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Our Story

It all started with "Bossy"

In 2004, after years of tormenting my parents, I was able to track down my first American Bulldog - Bosco! Like many American Bulldog lovers, I had watched Chance on Homeward Bound and decided, "That's the dog for me!" Bosco lived up to my expectations and became the best dog who ever lived (as all loved dogs are). 

Bosco, an American Bulldog, at the Sandy, Oregon river

...Then Came More

Quila, Domino and Roxy

Bosco obviously was not our only American Bulldog, and although it was hard to track them down, I did manage to find a few 'girlfriends' for him in my endeavor to gain a progeny from Bosco.


Pictured here from left to right is Bosco, TeQuila Rose ("Quila"), Roxy and Domino. Each of these guys became great members of our family and won't ever be forgotten.

Unfortunately, Quila and Domino both had bad hips, which we discovered early, and we were unable to breed them and Roxy didn't make it with us. Therefore, unfortunately, Bosco was never able to pass down his excellent lineage (which we found he was a direct grandson of Rattler, the dog who played Chance on Homeward Bound, which inspired this journey so it was a big let down).


Pictured here is Domino and Bosco, my two favorite American Bulldogs.

A few years after Bosco had finally passed at the ripe age of 12, my family had been searching for that "perfect puppy." I didn't think I could handle another American Bulldog, so we unsuccessfully tried other breeds, and just as we had given up, Daisy's parents literally ran into us on the beach! I was again immediately in love with the breed, and we exchanged contact information with their owners.


Over the next couple years, we stayed in contact with her breeder and were first in line for a puppy. We had planned for a boy, but little Daisy's mommy had an accident and she lost a toe and injured her leg at birth. We looked at her little face and we felt drawn to her!

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Domino and Bosco, two of our favorite American Bulldogs

Our Dogs Today

Daisy grew into a beautiful, well-balanced lady. After her one year checkup, we were assured that her hips were excellent and she was a "fine specimen!" We knew that Daisy was a very pretty girl, and now we were assured that she was perfect health-wise! It was then time to order those papers and see what was really behind our Daisy and we were not disappointed! In fact, Daisy had many Grand Champions and show dogs behind her with various titles, including one in particular stud named Gr. Ch. Hercules from here in the PNW. 

A few years later, we hunted down some local breeders who not only had descendants of Hercules, but had him! We met many Hercules descendants and finally picked out my main man - BullDozer! Dozer became my second favorite dog so far, only to Bosco himself. Dozer is the epitome of what an American Bulldog should be to me in any way. In size, function, form, personality, and ability - he is a beast! He protects his whole family and takes his job very seriously. He does not bark first, bite later. Dozer absolutely acts without hesitation if he believes the health or safety of any of his family is at sake - he has proven this many times over.

Today, we have many American Bulldogs! Daisy and Dozer have had two, beautiful litters of red, tan and white puppies that have gone on to be farm dogs, general utility dogs, studs, and family members for many people throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Nevada. We kept our beautiful Buffy out of their first litter.


Before us, there were a few American Bulldogs and breeders in the PNW, but we are determined  to make this breed more available out here. However, we wanted to add some new bloodlines and colors into the mix, so we picked out and shipped our girl, Rockstar, from North Dakota. Rocks is a beautiful dark reverse brindle and white lady from different blood, but still some stock foundation mixed in! We have now had one amazing litter from Rocks and Dozer and have kept two puppies to carry on their legacy. 



Towanda aka "Boo"

Boo was from our first litter out of Dozer and Daisy! Boo has become an integral family member and her new mom is so happy, yet jealous, of her affection that she now "want[s] another of my [her[ own!"



Gus was reserved by a good friend from the day he was born! She knew she was it! He is her constant companion, best friend, guardian of livestock and the farm, and her service companion. His momma says, "I don't know what I would do without Gus by my side!"


Queenie aka "Millie"

Millie was also from our first litter and she has become a family favorite and also blessed them with a litter of puppies! "She's a great mom!" they said. "Millie is so smart!" and learned everything quickly. "She is so sweet to everyone who visits," they gushed.

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